Save the dates for our 2025 pancake Breakfasts 6/22, 7/27, and 8/25/25!
Save the dates for our 2025 pancake Breakfasts 6/22, 7/27, and 8/25/25!
The Mission of the Borodino Volunteer Fire Department is to provide a professional level of community fire protection, emergency medical services or any other response required to protect the people and property in the Town of Spafford and its adjoining districts to the best of our ability.
The Borodino Volunteer Fire Department's Mission is accomplished with a dedicated group of highly trained volunteer first responders, medics, fire fighters, and associate members.
Members of our community are an integral part of the the Borodino Volunteer Fire Department and its success. All equipment and training are funded with tax payer dollars, by department fundraisers, and through charitable contributions from our community.
We'll see you on June 22nd, July 27th, and Aug 24th, 2025
Thank you for attending our Borodino Fire Department Pancake Breakfast! We'll see you all next month!
Adults - $10.00
Seniors (62+) - $8.00
Children (6-12) - $8.00
Under 5 Years - Free
Making a difference, responding to the call of service, having fun, using or developing skills, and belonging to a team. These are just a few reasons why some people choose to volunteer.
Volunteering is more than filling out an application or responding to emails. It's about using your time, a precious commodity, to support your community, an organization, or a cause that's important to you. People volunteer for a variety of reasons, including the desire to help others. Most people find themselves in need at one time or another. Today you may be the one who can help, but tomorrow, you may be in need of someone else's volunteer efforts.
Many people feel that they have nothing to contribute, especially to a fire department. Not true! Everyone has a talent, skill, or ability that would be respected and appreciated! There are many outstanding organizations and groups of people providing volunteer opportunities across the US and within the CNY community. Why consider the Borodino Volunteer Fire Department? Could we be a good fit for you? Yes!! Borodino is always looking for emergency volunteers and first responders. These are the unsung heroes that are the backbone of the department. These men and women receive specialized training and are equipped to respond in emergency situations 24/7. Community members from various professions find that firefighting and EMS are a natural fit with their jobs or smoldering interests. While some Borodino volunteers do have careers in the medical field, most come from other walks of life. Either way, each are dedicated, highly proficient individuals that receive top-notch training and the equipment necessary to serve our community. Sometimes it takes just a spark, but perhaps this level of service is for you.
If becoming a firefighter or EMT is not your passion, Borodino is always looking for men and women of all ages who can provide the behind-the-scene support that enables a fire department to run effectively and efficiently. If you have the ability to flip a pancake, greet visitors, or have another skill to share, then the Borodino Volunteer Fire Department has a place for you! We'd love to have you join our team!
Borodino Volunteer Fire Department
2500 Nunnery Road, Skaneateles, New York 13152, United States